HealthCom Media
1.2 m+
12 k+

About HealthCom Media

HCM – HealthCom Media is a leading information, marketing services and content development company. Our experience and understanding of the many complex aspects of today’s healthcare system has proven instrumental in securing our leading position as a premier healthcare publisher. We are staffed with experienced professionals who utilize market intelligence to deliver relevant content to our readers, many of whom are healthcare providers and association members. We excel in developing fully integrated marketing solutions for commercial entities that complement traditional advertising programs in our award winning journals.

Our Story

HCM began as a specialty clinical publisher focused on partnerships with healthcare societies and has evolved into a robust media partner, developing solutions across multiple channels and healthcare audience sectors.

HCM’s relationship with the diverse and expanding nursing market keeps them informed so they can provide the best evidence-based care for the patients they serve. As we innovate, we continue to enhance our readerships’ experience, while we create best practices to advance healthcare intelligence for the benefit of our partners’ goals and objectives.

Our Profile

HCM is a leading healthcare information and content development company with a record of excellence in integrated marketing solutions that reach over 4 million healthcare professionals each year.

  • We have more than 25 years of experience communicating healthcare best practices and intelligence.
  • We’re the official media partner of the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA/CRNAs).
  • Since 2012, our print and digital platforms have received over 30 awards in content excellence.
  • In 2018, we achieved access to 3.2 million nurses.
  • Our full suite of communication tools and strategies include market research, marketing services, custom content, and digital resource development.

Leading the way

HCM leads the way with

  • large-scale data and infrastructure integration
  • data-driven marketing services for partners who want to reach nurses
  • digital infrastructure that lets partners leverage our data, behavioral analysis, advanced segmentation, and predictive analytics
  • more than just traditional advertising – HCM offers advanced audience insights, meaningful metrics, market research, targeted messaging…and more.

Our History